Grace House
Beyond Grace provides transitional housing support for those who have completed the 90-day Emergency Housing Program at Grace House. By providing an additional two years of transitional housing and supportive services, Beyond Grace gives clients additional time to save for a more stable future and increases their chances of success when they leave Union Mission.
The Reentry Partnership Housing Program provides housing and services to previously incarcerated individuals in order to assist with a successful transition to their community after they are released. Clients also receive the same comprehensive supportive services.
Grace House Client Story
John grew up in Savannah, where his life was dictated by liver disease, diagnosed when he was just four years old. By the time he was eight, he was prescribed adult-strength prednisone to boost his energy. As a teenager, he moved to California to participate in a clinical trial and received medicine that helped him. “Now instead of having good days,” he said, “I was having good weeks.” John, who as a child wanted to become a daredevil like Evel Knievel, started riding motorcycles and learned how to fix them. At 18, he moved back to Savannah, but leaving the clinical trial meant he couldn’t continue taking the medicine because it wasn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration. His condition worsened. He lived with his dad in 2020 and 2021, but he became homeless in 2022. At 29 years old, he entered Grace House. John praises Union Mission’s staff for helping and encouraging him. Things are looking up for him. In December, he found out he could resume taking the medicine that helped him when he participated in the clinical trial at Stanford. He is currently employed and he’s on a waiting list to get a one bedroom, lowincome apartment. “I’m in a good mind right now,” he said. “It’s been a long ride. It’s been a bumpy road. I can ride it. I’ve got suspension.”
More than housing, Grace House is a place to begin again. Opened in 1987, Grace House offers immediate temporary housing and supportive services for up to 32 men in need. Grace House is located at 120 Fahm Street, right next to the Chatham Area Transit station.
The Emergency Housing Program at Grace House provides temporary shelter to those in immediate need. The 90-day program has 32 emergency shelter beds available for men. In addition to addressing clients’ housing needs, Grace House offers case management and supportive services to address clients’ medical, mental health, and employment needs in order to help them permanently end their homelessness.